

Public Act 102-0004 (HB 158) 2021 CHW Certification and Reimbursement Act

ILCHWA in collaboration with the Illinois Black Caucus (Senator Mattie Hunter and Representative Camille Lilly), UIC Cancer Center and Miles Square representatives, drafted and passed legislation to further advance the CHW workforce in Illinois. It had been 6 years since the last CHW legislation and the CHW Certification and Reimbursement act would be the most significant piece of legislation for CHWs in Illinois. 

Why: Illinois was dealing with a pandemic, CHWs were deemed non-essential and communities were suffering.  The public health system needed everyone to play a role in linking disadvantaged communities to care, resources and support. ILCHWA leadership worked with key allies and supporters to establish a groundbreaking relationship with the Illinois Department of Public Health, Healthcare Family Service (HFS), our legislative sponsors Sen. Hunter and Rep. Lilly and the prestigious Harvard Law school, Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, (CHLPI), to uplift the CHW workforce and make way for them to be recognized and sustained through the CHW Certification and Reimbursement Act. 

Please read more here.

Public Act 098-0796 (HB 5412) 2014 CHW Advisory Board Act

The CHW Advisory Board Act was historical for CHWs and the ILCHWA, formally known as the CHicago CHW Local Network.  It was the first CHW legislation established in Illinois and ILCHWA was instrumental in getting it passed.  We worked with Representative Robyn Gabel, 18th District, HealthConnect One, our fiscal sponsor at the time, national CHW Core Competency group (C3) and other members of our network.  Why was this important?  It was the first ever legislation to establish a standard CHW definition, list core competencies and establish an advisory group to deal with critical areas of the CHW workforce to draft recommendations. 

Please read more here.

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